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  • Westerngitarre-Cole-Clark-Modell-CCAN2EC-RDSO-Redw_0001.jpg
In the late 1850's, Baron von Mueller" government botanist of Victoria was responsible for planting the Melbourne and Ballarat Botanical Gardens. Among the the species planted were Californian Redwood, Sequoia. We have been using some of the trees that the Barron was responsible for planting ove 150 years ago throughout Victoria including Jamieson and Ballarat. This is an extremely resonant tone wood and is striking to look at. River She Oak fretboard & bridge. River She Oak fingerboard and made from 100% sustainable timbers. With the New Cole Clark Patented 3 Way pickup system. AN2EC-RDSO Product Specifications All solid timber cut-away grand auditorium with internally carved top and back Made entirely from sustainably sourced timbers Cole Clark PG3 pickup system Finish: Nitrocellulose (natural satin) Neck: Queensland Maple Top: Australian grown, AA grade American Redwood Back/Sides: AA grade Silky Oak Inlaid timber rosette. Bridge/Fretboard: She Oak Inlays: Snowflake Machine Heads: Grover Nut/Saddle: Graph Tech Tusq Strings: Elixir – Nanoweb Phosphor Bronze 12-53 Nut Width: 44mm/1.73″ Radius: 12″ Scale length: 25.5″ Cole Clark hardcase – Tweed Pickguard supplied in case Left handed version not available NOT for percussive playing Grain may vary
    • Cole Clark
    • Westerngitarre
    • Grand Auditorium, Redwood Face, Silky Oak back & sides, cutaway
    • inkl. Koffer
    • Redwood - Eiche
    • 6
    • Piezo mit Mic
    • matt
    • 650
    • Californian Redwood Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum)
    • Southern Silky Oak (Grevillea Robusta)
    • She Oak
    • Grand Auditorium
    • Queensland Maple
    • Southern Silky Oak (Grevillea Robusta)
    • Tusq



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