The Acoustic Trio Air is a winning combination of venerable undersaddle pickup system Acoustic Trio with
Mi-Si’s all new MEMS microphone based Mi-Si Air. The signals from undersaddle transducer and internal
microphone are mixed and controlled by soundhole mounted Pan and Volume potentiometers. This combo
provides you with an exceptionally strong, feedback free sound, capturing natural vibrations of body and air
of your instrument. Not to mention that it’s light and simple due to battery-free technology and Mi-Si’s
industry leading minimalistic design philosophy.
Powering up the Acoustic Trio Air for 60 seconds with the Mi-Si Power Charger will provide you with up to 8
hours of performance time.

- Mi-Si
- Tonabnehmer
- Acoustic Trio Air
- schwarz
- Batterieloses AktivPU Akustikgitarre, Piezo und Mik, Volumen. Balance, Ladegerät