Mi-Si Magpie Magnetic Soundhole Pickup includes the revolutionary new active, battery-free magnetic soundhole pickup for acoustic guitar and the Mi-Si Power Charger. Magpie pickup employs a unique “planar” single coil design – less susceptible to AC hum than traditional bobbin wound pickups. This design provides much broader sound and reduces the overall weight – combining the benefits of a single coil pickup with the virtually hum-free operation of a humbucker.
Powering up Magpie for 60 seconds with the Mi-Si Power Charger will provide you with up to 8 hours of performance time.

- Mi-Si
- Tonabnehmer
- Magpie
- schwarz
- Battriefreies, aktives, magnetisches Pickup für akustische Gitarre mit EQ
- Ladegerät, Kabel, Ausgangsbuchse